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We are living in a world dominated by capitalism, and it has changed the way we view things and look into various phenomena. In this age, most often than not, utility of a thing is taken into account and cost-benefit analysis is measured for any venture one might undertake. The principle of utility is very much acting in the everyday life where rational choices made out of the cost-benefit utilitarianism are considered significant in making any decision.

The educational institutions are no exception to this immutable law of capitalism.

Universities play a pivotal role in the formative phase of a life of an individual. Universities train students by providing those techniques and knowledge that are basic to be successful. Monetary success is regarded as a large chunk of success in anyone's life. But huge money making is not easy as one may think; it requires some extraordinary talent, power or resilience that is not common. No doubt it is the personal extraordinary characteristics of an individual which can lead him/her to a terrific financial success, but the role of the universities in preparing or polishing the capacities of individuals in earning money that goes in million and then billions, cannot be ignored.

There are many universities that have their share in making a billionaire. According to the latest statistics, University of Pennsylvania has topped the list with the highest number of billionaires. Twenty five billionaires have gone to the University of Pennsylvania for their bachelor's degree, more numbers than any other institution. Harvard University is next in line with Penn with the twenty two billionaires associated with it.